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November 12th -14th 2024 ‘s POWERFUL Energy Wellness Tip For You Today!
The power of gratitude!  It’s like an instant mood booster, turning even the smallest wins into moments of joy. And guess what? You don’t need huge reasons to be grateful. Sometimes, the little things are just as magical. And by the way, very often when you feel grateful…
It has a positive impact on the people around you as well!
Maybe you speak to them differently when you feel grateful.  Maybe you get inspired to do things when you feel grateful. Perhaps things in your life start working out better when you feel grateful. And the best part about gratitude is that no matter what happens in your “outside world”… When you are grateful for what you have, it improves YOUR overall wellness (both mentally and physically)! 
''Gratitude is the vitamin for the soul'' quote
So, we encourage you to invest a few minutes today, and right now if you have the time, to write out and actually FEEL gratitude for some of the things you have in your life right now. Here are a few questions to start the ball rolling… Do you have eyes to see? Are you able to read? Do you have clean water to drink? Do you have food to eat? Do you have choices in the food you purchase? Do you have a place to sleep indoors? Do you have clothes, shoes and other things that help you feel comfortable in your daily life?   Are you grateful for the internet you have, to access almost any type of information you want?  Are you grateful there are natural solutions available for almost everything?  Do you have people in your life that care about you? And that you care about? How about pets?  Are you grateful for the animals that live on this planet?  How about the plants and trees and the overall ecosystem? Do you see how far it can go? The limitations are only the ones you set!  We hope you feel even more gratitude today and that it may start a momentum of you being aware of more good things in your life.  We love and appreciate you Jon-Paul and we look forward to sharing more with you soon!  Be well,
Jon-Paul Chavet
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