Jon-Paul’s AMAZING Mood-boosting foods: 9 healthy options

July 9,2024

Food and mood go hand in hand. Here are nine healthy suggestions for foods to boost your mood. Make sure they’re on your shopping list!

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9 mood-enhancing foods

Sometimes feeling down or sad can be a sign of a serious problem that requires professional help. But at other times, you might just need the right kind of snack. That’s right, there’s a connection between food and mood!

And we’re not talking about the sugar rush of grabbing a candy bar in the checkout lane or the temporary comfort of settling in with a bag of chips. Those may bring some instant gratification, but that’s soon followed by feelings of sluggishness or other discomfort that could leave you in a sadder state than when you started.

We’re talking about healthy, mood-boosting foods that increase serotonin and can play a vital role in helping you feel better and maybe even improve your outlook on life. Research shows that a healthy diet of foods high in antioxidants and other nutrients can help improve your mood or even prevent you from dropping into the doldrums in the first place.

The Mediterranean diet is a good example. It’s rich in plant-based foods, healthy fats, whole grain foods, plenty of fish (for the omega-3 fatty acids) and very little red meat or sweets. Several studies have shown there are mental health benefits for people adhering to this diet.

Here’s a list of nine mood enhancing foods to help keep a smile on your face – one bite at a time!

1. Dark leafy greens

Loading up your plate with a salad of dark leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard – or serving them sautéed as a side dish or blended into a smoothie – not only gives you forkfuls of fiber to balance your blood sugar, they are also rich in nutrients like iron and vitamin B that help improve brain function. Another plus: They give you a good dose of magnesium, a mood-booster that can raise your serotonin levels.

2. Salmon

Whether you sear it, broil it or slide it onto a toasted bun, a serving of salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12. Research shows both of these have a positive effect on depression.

There’s also a bonus: Nutrients in salmon can help your hair grow better and your skin look healthier. And who doesn’t feel better when they’re having a great hair day? Not a fan of fish? Consider an omega-3 fish oil supplement.

3. Whole grain foods

Whole grain foods like brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa or whole-grain chips not only make you feel full longer, they give you a boost because many are rich in tryptophan like turkey. Plus, whole grains are important sources of B vitamins, which are vital to your brain’s health.

4. Turkey

Slices of this sandwich staple and holiday favorite are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce mood-boosting serotonin. A serving of turkey also contains an array of B vitamins, which are good for your brain. Its low levels of fat also make it a great choice for those trying to include more lean protein in their diets.

5. Eggs

Scrambled, poached or over-easy, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein and they are packed with vitamin D, which increases your level of serotonin. Eggs also contain choline, which acts as a neurotransmitter to support your memory and your mood.

6. Dark chocolate

Chocolate lovers likely have known this for a long time: Dark chocolate is a nice little mood booster. It contains phenethylamine, which triggers your body’s release of feel-good serotonin.

But while cocoa can improve your mental outlook, you want to be careful not to overload on sugar. Stick to dark chocolate, not milk chocolate, and keep your daily dose to 1 or 2 ounces.

7. Probiotic-rich foods

Sometimes, something a little sour can help sweeten your mood. Probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh and even pickles are all associated with a better mental outlook. (Bonus: Probiotics also support gut health!)

If these types of foods are not your favorite, you can try a supplement like Nutrilite™ Stress Relief Probiotic. Powered by two clinically supported probiotic strains and a unique melon concentrate, Nutrilite Stress Relief Probiotic helps you manage occasional stress, supports mental focus, fights mental fatigue and promotes a sense of calm and productivity.†

8. Matcha green tea

Sipping on matcha green tea is a tasty way to brighten your mood. This kind of tea is known for having a high concentration of flavonoids and L-theanine, which can make you feel more relaxed because they increase your serotonin and dopamine levels. And there’s just something about slowing down and

9. Foods high in antioxidants

Many of the foods listed above have one thing in common: They are rich in antioxidants, which research shows can reduce oxidative stress and can help with depression or anxiety. Foods high in antioxidants include certain fruits, vegetables and nuts.

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