Being the Change

We’ve all heard the saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

What does that really mean and how can each of us be that? Part of being the change you want to see in the world is no longer tolerating the suffering we see in the world.

So many people in the religious and spiritual communities are spiritually bypassing, not only their own shadows, but the collective shadows as well. Of course, many are unaware they are doing this. Acknowledging the shadows, taking responsibility for them and transmuting them can be very uncomfortable. It can cause us to rethink everything we’ve ever thought and disbelieve everything we’ve ever believed.

Change can be painful!

“It’s all good. It’s all love and light. The darkness isn’t real. The dark side does what it does. It’s part of God’s plan. It’s their karma. It’s their soul’s path. It’s their unresolved issues. It’s not my business. They must have done something to make God angry. They did something to attract it. They chose their path. They asked for their suffering. It’s part of their soul’s learning and who am I to interfere with another soul’s learning process? What happens to them doesn’t have anything to do with me… “


“I’m going to sit here in the belief that my way is the only way, I’m saved and forgiven, they aren’t believers like me, I’ll just pray for them and let God work it out…” This is religious self-righteousness. “I’m enlightened. I’m just going to sit over here on my mountain with my crystals and plant medicine, and ohm until I’m out of here.” This is part of what a friend of mine calls the New Cage movement. There is spiritual arrogance.

These are forms of spiritual bypassing and it’s enabling!

This is enabling the suffering to continue. It’s like watching a woman who is being abused by her husband and thinking she should leave him and doing nothing to help, even while knowing she doesn’t have the capacity to free herself from the prison she is trapped in. She needs an intervention. It’s bypassing our individual and collective responsibility of coming to humanity’s aid because we don’t want to stick our noses in other people’s business.

Rather than consciously choosing a role in changing what our world has the potential to be, some people just want to sit and pray or meditate and hope someone else will come to the rescue. What is the potential for our world? It is changing our collective experience to learn through joy rather than learning through suffering.

What happens individually affects us all collectively!

Yes, Earth is a learning planet, and souls come here to learn, but learning works better through play and fun, then though abuse and pain. Yes, souls do choose to experience suffering to learn through, and only until enough of us choose to learn without suffering. Yes, on a soul level we agreed to learn through the contrast, and the contrast exists for us to find our light and then consciously use the light to transmute the darkness.

The depths of darkness and suffering will continue until enough of us recognize it, take responsibility for changing it and refuse to bypass it. Instead of bypassing the suffering as part of “just how things are, that’s just how God made it, and that’s their spiritual issue,” we step up, be the change, and refuse to allow the suffering to continue. This begins with acknowledging the suffering and asking how we can help alleviate it. The truth is, we were a part of making the mess, consciously or not, and we get alleviate it, clean it up, help each other through it and heal it.

Some people might find themselves saying, “I’ll just wait for God, Jesus, ET’s, the Solar Flash… to save them, or The Rapture to make all the suffering go away so I don’t have to look at it anymore.”

If we see someone on the sidewalk being beaten up, do we just look at them and say, “they must have done something do attract being beaten up so let’s just ignore it because it’s their karma?” Sadly, most people would just standby by and watch, walk on by, or wait for someone else to help before they also start helping. This is part of the social human conditioning to wait for someone else to fix the issue, and for someone else to intervene. Are you like most people or are you someone with the courage to step up and be a part of the solution?

How can I help make the world a better place? How am I being a beneficial presence on the planet? “How am I helping to intervene?” These are questions we can always be asking ourselves about our role as part of the Divine Intervention humanity has been asking for. As we evolve within ourselves the role often shifts to match our new level of understanding, so asking these questions from time to time as we change and our environment changes, is vital.

We are intervention we seek, and we are the answers to our prayers.

We are the inter-creators of our reality, and we create a better reality by no longer enabling the abuse. We become enablers of the suffering of others in our unwillingness to step forward and be among those who choose to change it. This is how we are the change we want to see it the world and become the divine intervention we seek.

You can either be an enabler or be part of the collective intervention. This too is part of free-will-choice, and part of every soul’s journey.

Being the change always begins with making peace within ourselves. Many people want to change the world, and change others, without doing anything to create change within themselves. Changemakers, peace makers, know the change always comes from within. Light workers work on behalf of the light. But first they must change from within, create inner peace, and be the light, before actively working with the light on behalf of humanity.

This is about “being” the change. We change the world by our inner being first, doing second.

Being a light worker and change maker requires inner being, as well as outer work. Some people want to rush out and try to save the world from the position of their own unresolved issues, personal suffering and judgements about how others “should” be without being it themselves. It’s not so easy to rescue someone else while you are also drowning.

Every person on Earth is part of inter-creating our reality. Everything everyone thinks, believes, feels and does is always co-creating with everyone else, so pretending the suffering is someone else’s issue is inaccurate. Every issue is everyone’s issue. One person’s suffering affects the entire human experience.

Being a Light Worker is just that. It is working with and on behalf of the light. Yes, some are meant to be-hold the love and the light, and work with Love and Light it in a way that isn’t out in public. Just because others can’t see the work you are doing doesn’t invalidate it or makes it any less valuable. Your piece of the puzzle helps illuminate the whole picture.

Every role is necessary, regardless of how big or small it may appear to unknowing eyes.

It really isn’t our job to change the world. The world changes because of who we are being. It’s not our job to save the world or save anyone else. We are not the saviors of humanity; we do however have the capacity to be way showers. We can only change ourselves, our perceptions and our approach to how we experience the human experience, and as we be that for ourselves it radiates out into everything we touch and every life we reach.

Each of us play a vital role in our individual and collective experience. Everything on our planet is an inter-creation. Every person has a role in helping to change the collective vibration and experience. For some, it’s a more active role out in the forefront as a messenger, healer, coach… For others it’s doing gridwork at home, working in a soup kitchen, creating a phone tree, planting gardens, volunteering at school. Each role is just as important as every other role. One person staying in the vibrations of love, and working on behalf of the light, can transmute fear and darkness for 1,000 other people.

Sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and watching the show just keeps people complacent and complaining.

Fear, in all its appearances, keeps us from “being” all we have the potential to be. Let go of your judgements and your shoulds, and start seeing where you can first intervene on your own behalf. Drop any self-righteousness and spiritual arrogance and learn how to love your own path before trying to change others. Learn to love every aspect of yourself and transmute your own suffering. Embody love and be the light. Once you become it you can spread it forward.

That is how we be the change we want to see in the world and that is how we are the divine intervention we seek.

You can learn more about how to process your own suffering and rebecoming love in my newest book, Transcending Fear. If you want to dive even deeper into processing the past, you may want to invest in the Transcendence Process class. The next class starts in January.

Until next time, and as always, get bold, be fearless and live free!

Victoria Reynolds


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