America’s great sex hormone hoax.

March 9th 2025

Millions of men have been sold a bill of goods on the supposed benefits of synthetic hormone-based drug therapy.

Big Pharma hails it as a kind of “fountain of youth” for men.

But nothing could be further from the truth. That’s why I call it America’s great sex hormone hoax.

The fact is that pharmaceutical companies are recommending these dangerous, unproven treatments with disastrous side effects.

The real culprit is that often, too much estrogen accumulates. That may sound surprising, particularly for men receiving “T” therapy.

But the truth is, a strange thing happens when your body finds itself swimming in too much testosterone:

It converts the excess “T” into estrogen.

And that can trigger the very feminizing effects that many men take testosterone to avoid.

But that’s not all.

You see, your body can also convert excess testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High DHT increases estrogen as well, and it’s the culprit behind thinning hair and male pattern baldness.

As I’ve told my patients for more than 30 years… Testosterone is not the problem.

Millions of men have perfectly normal testosterone but still experience the symptoms associated with low testosterone.

That’s because they’re suffering from an overload of estrogen and don’t even know it.

As a physician, I’ve spent decades researching the problem of excess estrogen in men. Today, estrogen overload in aging men has become an epidemic.

Nothing erodes your masculinity faster than rising levels of synthetic estrogens coursing through your veins.

It’s the Great Neutralizer. Estrogen cancels out your testosterone.

The good news is you can reduce estrogen overload quickly and easily. The first step is to stop buying Big Pharma’s big lies about testosterone therapy.

Excess Estrogen Feminizes Modern Men
There are three estrogen hormones: estradiol, estrone, and estriol.

Estradiol, the strongest of the three, plays a major role in ovulation, human egg maturation, and thickening of the uterine lining to allow egg implantation in women.

Estrone, produced by the ovaries and in fat tissue, is tied to the sexual development in young women.

Estriol, which is key to a healthy pregnancy, is often used to treat menopausal symptoms as part of hormone replacement therapy (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and even insomnia).

So, how are these hormones produced in men, and what exactly do they do?

In men, estrogen hormones can be produced through a process called aromatization, which basically converts testosterone to estrogen. In men, too much estrogen comes with a lot of negative, even dangerous, side effects.

These include:

Sudden, excess fat in the tissue around the breast, or gynecomastia
Low libido
Inability to achieve or maintain an erection
Shrunken testicles
Depression, irritation, and mood swings
Extreme fatigue
Stubborn belly fat
Loss of muscle mass and definition
As troubling as these side effects are, they pale in comparison to the cancer risks raised by estrogen overload. Because at higher levels, estrogen is a known cancer-causing agent.

It acts like radiation, producing extremely destructive free radicals. It causes your DNA to “misfire” and produce the defects that are the beginnings of cancer.

At the same time, these high estrogen levels decrease one of your body’s “master” antioxidants, glutathione. This raises oxidative stress in your cells and can be an early step in cancer cell formation.

In other words, high estrogen is a one-two cancer punch. It raises your levels of cancer-causing free radicals and wipes out your body’s best defense against them at the same time.

That’s one reason estrogen-dependent cancers – including prostate cancer – have all been directly linked to xenoestrogens.

At the Sears Institute, I help my patients flush excess estrogen from their bodies.

But just as importantly, I help them boost testosterone naturally – so there is no need for Big Pharma’s dangerous T therapies.

Increase Testosterone Naturally
Men should have a ratio of testosterone to estrogen of at least 4:1… that’s four parts testosterone to one part estrogen. The higher your ratio, the more “manly” you’ll look and feel. I like to see my patients at a ratio closer to 8:1. To get their levels in sync, I recommend my patients do the following to increase testosterone naturally:

Eat more beef. Red meat raises your testosterone levels naturally.1

Despite what the mainstream media has told you, red meat is not your enemy. A diet rich in grass-fed red meat does not increase your risk of heart disease. Numerous studies back this up.2

Use the herb African healers swear by. Bulbine natalensis boosts testosterone naturally. It works by amping up the volume of a testosterone-boosting hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus in the brain… kind of like turning your car radio to full volume. This stimulates the testes to produce testosterone.

A South African study showed that Bulbine produced a stunning 347% increase in testosterone.3

And as an added bonus… Bulbine acts as an aphrodisiac. It even outperforms “the little blue pill” for improving sex drive.

I recommend taking 100 mg per day of the dried root extract.

Overcome the most common low-T complaint. Low testosterone can make it harder to get and maintain an erection. But in my travels to Africa, I came upon a solution that helps.

I’m talking about a root called bangalala. That translates to “kiss and have sex.”

It’s been used by the tribes of Southern Africa for centuries as a powerful aphrodisiac. And it makes sense…

Bangalala can boost blood flow to your penis to allow better erections. Researchers from The University of Pretoria studied an extract from this root. They found it is 75% as effective as certain male enhancement products for supporting male libido and sexual enhancement.4

In a second study, researchers called bangalala one of the promising plant species with potential for use as an effective remedy in the treatment of impotence and/or ED.5

It can give you unlimited stamina in the bedroom and more intense orgasms.

I recommend taking 25 mg per day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


Afeiche M, et al. “Meat intake and reproductive parameters among young men.” Epidemiology. 2014 May;25(3):323–330.
Siri-Tarino PW, Sun Q, Hu FB, Krauss RM. Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Mar;91(3):535-46.
Yakubu MT1, Afolayan AJ. Anabolic and androgenic activities of Bulbine natalensis stem in male Wistar rats. Pharm Biol. 2010 May;48(5):568-76.
Drewes SE, et al. “Pyrano-isoflavones with erectile-dysfunction activity from Eriosema kraussianum.” Phytochemistry. 2002 Apr.
Oiewole J. “African traditional medicines for erectile dysfunction: elusive dream or imminent reality?” Cardiovasc J Afr. 2007 Jul-Aug;18(4):213–215.

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