Stop Microwaving This Food

Health and Welness Seekers\

Feb 8th 2025

Do you remember when microwave ovens first became a kitchen staple back in the 1980s? And all the worry about radiation emitted from these contraptions…

Most of us have long suspected that while “nuking” your food may be convenient, it was never the best option.

Now research reveals that the danger is much worse than anyone thought.

microwave New research reveals that the danger of microwaving certain foods is much worse than anyone thought.

After decades of safety assurances from microwave manufacturers and government regulators… It turns out they were all looking in the wrong place when it comes to this health hazard.

You see, the low-level non-ionizing radiation from microwaves is not the biggest concern…

Alarming research reveals that the biggest threat to your health comes from a chemical called acrylamide.

This neurotoxic and carcinogenic substance is created when you microwave any kind of food.1 Let me explain…

Acrylamide is a white, odorless compound that comes from heating starches and other plant foods.

It forms because of what’s known as the “Maillard reaction.”

This reaction naturally occurs as carbohydrates react with certain amino acids when cooking at high temperatures. And it explains why processed foods are loaded with this toxic compound.

Maillard reactions occur during the manufacture of your morning Cheerios and other breakfast cereals, potato chips, crackers, bread, and cookies, to name just a few.2

But microwaved food poses the biggest danger because the high temperatures generated by these appliances trigger greater acrylamide formation.

The EPA classifies acrylamide as a “probable” cancer-causing chemical with no safe dose. Studies show that it causes gene mutations leading to a range of cancers in rats, including breast and uterine cancers, among others.3,4

Recent research, including a study in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, indicates that acrylamide can also disrupt your body’s biological functions, such as the circadian rhythm.5

And studies using human cell models reveal that acrylamide can also induce accelerated aging in humans, causing your body to become more susceptible to conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and dementia.6,7,8

Meanwhile, other studies have linked the neurotoxic properties of acrylamide to neurovegetative diseases, like Alzheimer’s.9

It’s almost impossible to eliminate acrylamide from your diet because it’s present in almost every item of packaged food on your supermarket shelves.

To date, California is the only U.S. state to mandate black box warning labels for foods containing acrylamide – and no regulator or manufacturer has drawn attention to the dangers of using microwave ovens.

Take These Simple Steps To Reduce Your Acrylamide Risk

But the good news is there are steps you can take to minimize the presence of acrylamide.

Here’s what I tell my patients:

  1. Limit Microwave Use: If you are going to cook or reheat high-carbohydrate foods that are more prone to forming acrylamide – like pizza, rice, and pretty much any dish that contains grains – use your oven instead.

    Choose cookware that is made from glass, porcelain, stainless steel, or cast iron. Avoid Teflon-coated cookware.

    For decades, manufacturers kept food from sticking to their pots and pans using a chemical called perfluorooctanoate acid (PFOA). This highly toxic substance was phased out a decade ago.

    But manufacturers simply replaced it with another group of toxic chemicals called per- and polyfluorinated compounds. PFAS are linked to cancer… reduced immune response… endocrine disruption… thyroid disease… weight gain… and developmental damage.

    And never heat plastic containers in the microwave. Microwaving plastic can release harmful chemicals into your food, including BPA and phthalates.
  2. Choose Safer Foods: Limit consumption of processed snacks and opt for fresh foods that are less likely to form acrylamide during cooking.

    I recommend avoiding all packaged junk even if the box claims they’re healthy. If you’re going to eat carbs, enjoy them the way Nature intended – from raw fruits, vegetables, and whole milk. Real foods are the key to your health. Try to get them from organic sources.
  3. Cook Wisely: Opt for cooking methods that use lower temperatures and longer cooking times, such as steaming or boiling. Hearty stews, curries, casseroles, and soups cooked slowly at low heat is a process that actually pre-digests your food.

    This means the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in your food will absorb into your system much more easily and in higher amounts. These nutrients are key for things like cell repair, immune function, detoxification, and energy. The more you absorb, the better you’ll function.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


  1. Michalak J, et al. “Effect of microwave heating on the acrylamide formation in foods.” Molecules. 2020 Sep 10;25(18):4140.
  2. Swedish Scientists Find Cancer Agent in Staple Foods; Reuters News: April 23, 2002
  3. Zhivagui M, et al. “Experimental and pan-cancer genome analyses reveal widespread contribution of acrylamide exposure to carcinogenesis in humans.” Genome Res. 2019 Apr;29(4):521-531.
  4. Ishii Y, et al. “Acrylamide induces specific DNA adduct formation and gene mutations in a carcinogenic target site, the mouse lung.” Mutagenesis. 2015 Mar;30(2):227-35. 
  5. Górska-Andrzejak J, et al. “Dietary acrylamide disrupts the functioning of the biological clock.” J Hazard. Mater. Vol 476. 2024.
  6. Sellier C, et al. “Acrylamide induces accelerated endothelial aging in a human cell model.” Food Chem Toxicol. 2015 Sep:83:140-5.
  7. Lee HW, Pyo S. “Acrylamide induces adipocyte differentiation and obesity in mice.” Chem. Biol. Interact. 2019;298:24–34.
  8. Wang B, et al. “Acrylamide exposure increases cardiovascular risk of general adult population probably by inducing oxidative stress, inflammation, and TGF-β1: A prospective cohort study.” Environment International. 2022 Jun:164:107261.
  9. LoPachin RM, et al. “Molecular mechanisms of the conjugated alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl derivatives: relevance to neurotoxicity and neurodegenerative diseases. Toxicol Sci. 2008 Aug;104(2):235-49.
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