Oxygen Needed We are not gfetting enough

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January 25,2025

Oxygen is life. But you and I live in a modern world where our oxygen levels are constantly being depleted.

And chances are…you’re not getting nearly enough.

You see, our oxygen supply is steadily dropping. That’s bad news because we already get MUCH LESS oxygen than our ancestors had.

Currently, we only have about 21% oxygen in our atmosphere. If you live in a populated area, without many trees and with industrial complexes and cars and other pollutants, you might have less than 15% oxygen.

Professor Robert Berner of Yale University researched levels of prehistoric oxygen. He analyzed the air trapped in fossilized tree amber and found that there was much more oxygen available as recently as 10,000 years ago.1

In fact, today:

  • We’ve lost 15% of our oxygen-producing trees. After the last ice age ended, forests covered about 45% of the earth’s land area. Now they only cover about 30%.2
  • Our oxygen-producing plants are disappearing. Deserts are taking over land that used to have oxygen-producing plant life on it.3
  • The oceans are dying. Did you know that 50% to 70% of our oxygen is produced by microscopic plants that live in the ocean? They’re called marine algae, or phytoplankton.4 Oxygen-producing phytoplankton concentrations are as much as 30% lower today than they were just 30 years ago.5

This oxygen decrease is damaging your health.

Every cell in your body is designed to burn oxygen. It’s the basic fuel for cell metabolism. When you don’t get enough, all of those cellular processes slow down.

You start to become tired or short of breath. Your cells lose the energy they need to repair DNA. Your immune system slows down.

And your risk of disease goes up.

In fact, numerous studies show that too little oxygen can lead to some of the most serious chronic diseases we face today, including rheumatoid arthritis…6 heart disease…7 cancer…8 even memory loss, and Alzheimer’s.9

At my clinic, I help patients overcome this oxygen deprivation with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT.

Patients, who have already undergone HBOT, tell me they feel as though their bodies have “come alive” and that they feel like they’ve been given a “new lease on life.”

Delivering high doses of oxygen using HBOT triggers your body’s natural healing process to:

  • Snuff out the fire of inflammation. Oxygen is the mortal enemy of inflammation. It puts out the fire and, with it, the inflammatory diseases that drag you down.
  • Trigger the release of your own stem cells. As you know, stem cells power up your immune system and ignite your body’s natural healing power.
  • Increase the synthesis of nitric oxide. Increasing NO allows more oxygen-rich blood to reach your brain and other parts of your body.
  • Turn on DNA and genes. Oxygen turns on the genes and DNA linked with growth… the same ones that encourage healing.
  • Suffocate deadly diseases. Cancer and many other diseases can only thrive in a low-oxygen setting. Flooding your body with oxygen makes it inhospitable for them to live.
  • Encourage the regeneration of tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. Oxygen has long been known for its remarkable regenerative ability.
  • Improve heart and lung power. PACE builds up your lung power to get more life-giving oxygen flowing throughout your body, especially your heart. PACE gets 400% more oxygen to your lungs and 331% to your heart.3
  • Increase memory. In a study, subjects who did PACE-like exercise increased their supply of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF — a kind of growth hormone for the brain. Other studies have shown that people with the highest levels of BDNF develop dementia 50% less often than those with lower levels.4
  • Stimulate stem cells. PACE activates and increases stem cells in your bone marrow and gets them circulating in the blood. Increasing the number of circulating stem cells in your body can potentially repair your heart, repair stroke damage, help bones heal, and improve muscle and tissue damage.5
  • Strengthen your immunity. Stem cells are a key part of your immune system. Once in the bloodstream, these cells patrol tissues to halt infections, fight common colds and flu-like complaints, and repair tissue.

Coming to the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine to get oxygen therapy isn’t always an option for everyone.

2 Supplements Help You Use Oxygen More Effectively At Home

But I have a couple secrets that can help you to use the oxygen you have more effectively and efficiently. Here’s what I recommend:

  1. Use the Peruvian plant root that gets more O2 where it’s needed. There is an oxygenation powerhouse that I first used when I climbed the Andes mountains in Peru. It’s a native root called maca. It helped me get used to the thin mountain air. But it does more than that…

    Peruvian maca has the remarkable property of improving oxygen transport in your body. This increases endurance, energy levels, and mental clarity.

    Part of the reason maca is so effective at improving the way you use oxygen is its malic acid. It helps cells use sugar for fuel when oxygen levels are low. But maca also stimulates the activity of mitochondria – the energy production centers of your cells – so you can produce energy more efficiently from food.

    Maca supplements are available as a liquid extract. Mix it into your favorite drink or put the drops directly on your tongue. To supplement with maca extract in capsule form, I recommend up to 500 mg a day.
  2. Turn on oxygen delivery with medicinal mushrooms. Research shows that cordyceps sinensis has the power to turn on genes that increase oxygen delivery to the cells.10

    Cordyceps increases the body’s production of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essential for delivering energy to the muscles. This can improve the way your body uses oxygen.11 Another study showed that cordyceps sinensis increased cellular oxygen absorption by up to 40%.10

    A lot of cordyceps supplements are a combination of different species. So it’s important to look for 100% pure cordyceps sinensis. I recommend up to 1 gram twice per day by capsule.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


  1. Berner R. “Phanerozoic atmospheric oxygen: New results using the GEOCARBSULF model.” Am J Science. 2009309:603-606.
  2. Martin R, et. al. “State of the World’s Forests 2012.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.
  3. Kakakhel S. “Global Deserts Outlook.” UN Environment Programme. www.unep.org.
  4. “The Most Important Organism?” Ecology Primewww.ecologyprime.com/2019/11/08/the-most-important-organism. Accessed January 13, 2025.
  5. Johnson R, et al. “Three improved satellite chlorophyll algorithms for the Southern Ocean.” J Geophysical Res. 2013;118(7).
  6. Quinonez-Flores C, et al. “Hypoxia and its implications in rheumatoid arthritis.” J Biomed Sci. 2016 Aug;23(1):62.
  7. Rojas E, et al. “Hypoxia inducible factors as central players in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases.” Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Aug 10;8:709509.
  8. Otto A. “Warburg effect(s)—a biographical sketch of Otto Warburg and his impacts on tumor metabolism.” Cancer Metab. 2016 March 8;4:5.
  9. Hassan H and Chen R. “Hypoxia in Alzheimer’s disease: Effects of hypoxia inducible factors.” Neural Regen Res. 2021 Feb; 16(2): 310–311.
  10. Mrinalini S, et al.” Cordyceps sinensis Increases hypoxia tolerance by inducing heme oxygenase-1 and metallothionein via Nrf2 activation in human lung epithelial cells.” BioMed Res Int. 2013:2013:569206.
  11. Choi E, et al. “Beneficial effect of Cordyceps militaris on exercise performance via promoting cellular energy production.” Microbiology. 2020 Nov 9;48(6):512–517.
  12. Wang W, et al. “Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases improvement of 40% after Cordyceps supplement.” J Admin Trad Chinese Med. 1995;5:24.
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